Small Basic File Writeline
Program.png' alt='Small Basic File Writeline' title='Small Basic File Writeline' />This is a followup to the initial JIRAC article JIRA Basic CJIRA connection using REST In the previous article about how to work with JIRA in C. Basic C Programming Problem and Solutions Part 1. Today I am writing this article for the beginners who have just begun programming in the C language. I have solved all the basic problems of C programming and also I have included some sections of OOP in this article that I will show you in the next part of this article series. I have created made three article of this article series, each part contains 1. Anyone that reads this article series with full concentration and that practices on their own, I am sure heshe will become very familiar with the basics of C programming. I have provided every problem in the form of a question and a solution. Microsoft Small Basic is a programming language and associated IDE. It is Microsofts simplified variant of the BASIC programming language, intended as an easy. BASP21 DLL. Japanese. Release Notes Sep 11, 2001 BASP21 belongs to Tatsuo Baba Written by TK Upperfield. This is a comprehensive component, packed with 66 of useful. Lets start. Problem 1. Write a program that converts 1 lower case letter a z to its corresponding upper case letter A Z. For example if the user enters c then the program will show C on the screen. Hint You need to check the ASCII value in your program. File. The File object provides methods to access, read and write information from and to a file on disk. Using this object, it is possible to save and open settings. In above diagram, each brand Samsung, Nokia, IPhone have their own list of features along with basic functionality of dialing, receiving a call messaging. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Threading. Tasks namespace VPAssignment. Problem. 1 staticvoid Mainstring args char a int b Console. Write. Linett. Name Ehtesham Mehmoodntt. How To Install Step Flashing On Existing Roof Overhang more. Roll No 1. 10. 14. Section AEn tt UOGn Console. Write. LineEnter A Letter Between a z a Convert. To. CharConsole. Read. Line b inta if b 9. Console. Write. LineIn Upper Case Letter a else Console. Write. LineYou Enter Wrong Letter, Please Enter Letter Between a z. Console. Read. Key Output Problem 2. Write a program that takes three points x. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Threading. Tasks namespace Programm. Problem. 2 staticvoid Mainstring args int x. Console. Write. Linett. Name Ehtesham Mehmoodntt. Roll No 1. 10. 14. Section AEn tt UOGn Console. Write. LineEnter the values of x. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line y. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line Console. Write. LineEnter the values of x. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line y. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line Console. Write. LineEnter the values of x. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line y. Convert. To. Int. Console. Read. Line slope. Console. Write. Linen. All points are fall on one straight line else Console. Write. Linen. All points are not fall on one straight line Console. Read. Key Output Problem 3. Write a program that takes coordinates x, y of a center of a circle and its radius from the user, the program will determine whether a point lies inside the circle, on the circle or outside the circle. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Threading. Tasks namespace Problem. Problem. 3 staticvoid Mainstring args Console. Write. Linett. Section AEn tt UOGn int x, y,radius int radiussquare, coordinatescalculation Console. Write. LineEnter X coordinates of circle x Convert. To. Int. 32Console. Read. Line Console. Write. LineEnter Y coordinates of circle y Convert. To. Int. 32Console. Read. Line Console. Write. LineEnter Radius of circle radius Convert. To. Int. 32Console. Read. Line radiussquare radius radius Because equation of a circle is x a2y b2r2And here at the origin 0,0 so we do here coordinatescalculation x x y y if coordinatescalculation radiussquare Console. Write. LinePoints Lies On The Circle if coordinatescalculation radiussquare Console. Write. LinePoints Lies Out. Side The Circle ifcoordinatescalculation lt radiussquare Console. Write. LinePoints Lies In. Side The Circle Console. Read. Key Output Problem 4. Write a program that takes a character from the user and determines whether the character entered is a capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or a special symbol. The following table shows the range of ASCII values for various characters. Desktop Timer For Windows 7. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Threading. Tasks namespace Problem. Problem. 4 staticvoid Mainstring args Console. Write. Linett. Name Ehtesham Mehmoodntt. Roll No 1. 10. 14. Section AEn tt UOGn char a int b Console. Write. LineEnter A Charater a Convert. To. CharConsole. Read. Msc All Torrent'>Msc All Torrent. Line b inta if b 6. Console. Write. LineEntered Character Is Capital Letter if b 9. Console. Write. LineEntered Character Is Small Letter if b 4. Console. Write. LineEntered Character Is Digit if b 0 b lt 4. Console. Write. LineEntered Character Is Special Symbols Console. Read. Key Output Problem 5. Write a program using a switch statement that takes one value from the user and asks about the type of conversion and then performs a conversion depending on the type of conversion. If user enters I convert from inches to centimeters. G convert from gallons to liters. M convert from mile to kilometer. P convert from pound to kilogram. If the user enters any other character then show a proper message. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Text using System. Threading. Tasks namespace Problem. Problem. 5 staticvoid Mainstring args Console. Write. Linett. Name Ehtesham Mehmoodntt. Roll No 1. 10. 14. Section AEn tt UOGn int value char choice double centimeter, liters, kilometer, kilogram Console. Write. LineEnter A Digit Value value Convert. To. Int. 32Console. Read. Line Console. Write. Linenn Press Any Of The Given Choices n I convert from inches to centimeters. G convert from gallons to liters. M convert from mile to kilometer. P convert from pound to kilogram. Convert. To. CharConsole. Read. Line switch choice caseI centimeter value 0. Console. Write. Linenn. In Centimeters centimeter break casei centimeter value 0. Console. Write. Linenn. In Centimeters centimeter break caseG liters value 3. Console. Write. Linenn. In Litters liters break caseg liters value 3. Console. Write. Linenn. In Litters liters break caseM kilometer value 1. Console. Write. Linenn. In kilometers kilometer break casem kilometer value 1. Console. Write. Linenn. In kilometers kilometer break caseP kilogram value 0. Console. Write. Linenn. In Kilo. Grams kilogram break casep kilogram value 0. Console. Write. Linenn. In Kilo. Grams kilogram break default Console.