Panzer General 3D German Sites
Panzer General 3D German Sites' title='Panzer General 3D German Sites' />Panzer V Panther. One of the best tanks of WW2. Military historians still debate about which was the best tank of the Second World War, but for all the polls and spec comparisons, the Panzer V Panther is always one of the contenders. Given its speed and off road capabilities, tremendous firepower, protection, sophisticated targeting sights, use of equipment far ahead of its time like infrared vision and, last but not least, the more than 6. Panther can be compared to a main battle tank, years before the British Centurion appeared. Being one the best balanced designs of WWII, it performed accordingly, with a fear capital almost rivaling that of the Tiger. The Eastern Front as a catharsis. In June 1. 94. 1, during a seemingly unstoppable advance, the first encounters with T 3. General Staff, as more and more reports signaled that a Russian tank was found superior to both the upgraded Panzer III and the Panzer IV. After many had been captured in relatively good order, Heinz Guderian ordered a full report to be drawn by a Panzerkommision, dispatched to assess the T 3. It was noted that the combination of thick, well sloped armor, a very effective 7. Lary33_php2teBwA_przed%20bardia.jpg' alt='Panzer General 3D German Sites' title='Panzer General 3D German Sites' />Books at On Military Matters Updated as of 11162017 ABBREVIATIONS djdust jacket, bibliobibliography, bwblack and white, illustillustrations, bcbook club. Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. View The Story of the NCO Corps from MSC 303 at Jacksonville State. The March to Valley Forge, December 19, 1777, by William B. T. Trego The Evolution and Development. Russian tank almost reached the impossible triangle that characterized a perfect medium tank. This was unmatched in the German arsenal, raising concerns, which in turn needed prompt reactions. As soon as April 1. Daimler Benz and MAN AG were charged to design the VK 3. DB and MAN designs. Daimler Benzs design sported a well sloped low hull, permitted by a well proven, although old school solution with leaf spring suspensions combined with large doubled roadwheels and no return rollers. This gave the tank a low silhouette and narrow hull, and thus kept the weight under the allocated limit. At the same time, this restricted the turret ring diameter, which in turn limited the turret size. Like on the T 3. The engine was a diesel. Even with a three man turret, the internal space was cramped, and mounting the planned high velocity L7. Battle of Sedan Part of the Battle of France, Western Front of World War II German troops with French prisoners crossing the Meuse on near Sedan. Preface. This history is presented to record the part played by the men of the 93rd Chemical Mortar Battalion toward the victory of the United States in central. On the other hand, MAN presented a much larger vehicle, with the transmission and drive sprockets at the front, a larger, roomier turret moved backwards and a gasoline engine. The torsion bar suspension required more internal space, a larger hull and tracks. For the suspension, MAN took inspiration from Henschels Tiger design, with pairs of large interleaved wheels, which gave a lower ground pressure, better traction and mobility. This configuration also provided extra protection to the weaker lower hull sides. Versucht Panther V2 Fgst nr. V2, pre production prototype, fall 1. Themes For Powerpoint. From January until March 1. Fritz Todt and, later, Albert Speer, replacing the former, both warmly recommended the DB design to Adolf Hitler. In the meantime, DB had reviewed its design in order to match the MAN proposal, and added the already existing Rheinmetall Borsig turret, which allowed immediate production. MAN produced a mild steel prototype in September 1. Kummersdorf. These showed far superior mobility, even compared to the Panzer IV. The engine, for the sake of standardization, was shared with the Tiger, but the Panther weighed 2. Two final pre production prototypes were also delivered in November V1 and V2. Production swiftly followed, at MAN and DB hull and assembly, Rheinmetall Borsig turret, later extended to Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen Hannover MNH and Henschel Sohn in Kassel. Production of the Panzer VThe delivery orders were rushed, asking for a first batch by December. However, the specialized tooling for this new model was far from ready and designed in haste. The order for 1. 00. These were called Null series, Ausfuehrung A different from the later series, equipped with the early 7. Kw. K 4. 2 L7. 0 gun. Later, these were called D 1, and the large scale series was named Ausf. D. As a consequence of this rush, the first series of the Ausf. D had reliability problems. Speer set a 2. 50 vehiclesmonth objective, modified in January 1. By 1. 94. 4, increasing Allied bombings and industrial bottlenecks meant that only a feeble percentage of this figure was reached. Germany, this rose to 3. March 1. 94. 5, with a total production reaching 6. This figure was still far away from those of the T 3. Sherman, but the Panther became the third most produced German AFV, after the Panzer IV and the Stu. G III. Its unit cost was only marginally higher, despite the technological gap. RM compared to the 1. RM of the late Panzer IV, mostly thanks to streamlined production methods, but, still, far less than the same generation Tiger 2. RM. At some point, deliveries of hulls exceeded those of engines. The Maybach factory was pounded mercilessly, and even came to a complete halt for five months. The Auto Union plant at Siegmar also started to build the engines from May 1. Rheinmetall Borsig, however, never suffered such gaps in production, and there was constantly an excess of Panther turrets. Many of these were turned into AT pillboxes, defensive fortifications which played their part in Italy, in Northern Europe and the Siegfried line. The biggest problem suffered by the Panther production was the lack of spare parts, which dropped to only 8 of tank production at the end of 1. By then, field workshops had to cannibalize existing tanks to repair others, further hampering the operational availability of these tanks in the crucial years of 1. Design of the Panther. Hull armor. The T 3. MAN and DB designers. However, to increase internal space, the MAN designers, who created the V1 and V2 prototypes, choose to increase the engine compartment by creating a rear inverted slope. They also used moderately sloped flanks, without mudguards, as the flanks themselves formed them. This was also a welcome simplification in design, but required numerous straps to fix spare elements and steel towing cables. The frontal glacis was the thickest, forming a beak nose, with a 6. Later, on Hitlers orders, the upper plate was increased to 8. The frontal equivalent armor became 1. Allied and Russian AT guns of the time. The lower and upper hull sides were both 4. The upper side hull was sloped to a 5. Ausf. G. The lower hull was also protected by the interleaved wheels and, later, added 1. The rear was sloped at 6. The Rheinmetall Borsig turret was also well sloped and roomy. The front had, at first, 8. Ausf. A, then 1. Ausf. G. The sides were angled at 6. Ausf. G. The gun mantlet, made of cast armor, was 1. This part also serves to help distinguish between versions, the later versions being fitted with a flattened, chin model, to avoid the shot trap effect of this configuration. The armor itself was at first face hardened, but with the generalization of armor piercing capped rounds, a March 1. The turret sides also proved relatively weak and an alternative turret, the Schmalturm, was soon studied. A forged cupola replaced the cast one in earlier models. On the D 2, the commander cupola was cast instead of drum type and side armor skirts became standard. Stranglehold Torrent Iso Converter more. These plates were welded and interlocked for extra strength. The mantlet didnt prove immune to the late 7. M1. A1 late Sherman versions, Russian IS 2 1. British 1. 7 pdr 7. The side armor was not sufficient to deal with flanking attacks by most Allied tanks, contrary to the Tiger. Different tactics and 5 mm 0. Schrzen were applied. Zimmerit anti magnetic paste was applied relatively early, on the late Ausf.