Install Debian On Usb
Android on a Stick How to install Androidx86 on a USB stick. Install Android 4. USB stick. Install Debian On Usb PersistentHow To Install Oracle Java 8 In Debian Via Repository JDK8 Web Upd. Ubuntu Linux blog. And thats it, Oracle Java 8 should now be installed and you should get automatic updates for future Oracle Java 8 versions, under Debian. Update October 2. Previously, this package would increment the Java priority to make it default. Edit Article wiki How to Install Debian. Two Methods CD Installation USB installation Community QA. Debian is an operating system based on the GNULinux build. Welcome to The CHIP Operating System. Its more. We made a computer. A 9 computer. And every computer needs an operating system. Ours is The CHIP Operating System. The oracle java. Java priority to 1. Java packages you may have installed for instance, if Java 7 is also installed, Java 8 becomes default, but if Java 9 is installed, Java 8 doesnt become default. To make Java 8 default, you must install the oracle java. Java environment variables and sets it as default, which I added as a Recommended package to oracle java. For instance, in Ubuntu, recommended packages are automatically installed, so oracle java. In Linux Mint on the other hand, recommended packages are not installed by default, so you must install this package manually if you want to set Oracle Java 8 as default. So, if you want to set Oracle Java 8 as default, no matter what other Java versions are installed, make sure that you install the oracle java. Oracle Java Installer package in Ubuntu, but not in Linux Mint sudo apt get install oracle java. If you dont want to make Oracle Java 8 default it might still be set as default, depending on what other Java versions you may have installed, install the oracle java. Note removing the oracle java. I have yet to find a way to do this properly. If you dont want to set it as default, remove both oracle java. Tip if youre behind a firewall router that blocks some of the redirects required to download the Oracle Java archive, you can download the JDK tar. After installing Oracle Java and the oracle java. Java version on your system by using these commands java version. REJns45ox4/T0Dfj0458TI/AAAAAAAACaI/1iwDeb5i9Go/s1600/virtualbox5.png' alt='Install Debian On Usb Drive' title='Install Debian On Usb Drive' />WinUSB is a tool that can be used to create a bootable USB Windows installer from an ISO or a DVD, either using a GUI or from the command line. The application looks. ISO images and package files to install Debian Linux on PPC. Featured Linux Tutorials. Bash scripting Tutorial Howto mount USB drive in Linux How to install Skype on Ubuntu 16. Xenial Xerus Linux 64bit. Install Debian On Usb' title='Install Debian On Usb' />Install Debian On Usb Drive From WindowsThis should display something like this java version 1. JavaTM SE Runtime Environment build 1. Java Hot. SpotTM 6. Bit Server VM build 2. Or javac version. Which should display something like this javac 1. For how to install Oracle Java 7 in Debian, see THIS article. For Oracle Java 9, see THIS article. Steps to Install Nagios 4 on Debian 9. Nagios is an open source server and network monitoring tool which monitors some services CPU, HTTP, SMTP, storage disk, temperature, etc of your servers, network devices and alerts you when a particular service thats being monitored goes wrong. It will also alert you when a service comes back to a normal required state. Nagios is useful for keeping an inventory of your server and making sure your critical services are up and running. How does nagios work Nagios runs in agent based and agentless configurations. A user friendly, web based graphical user interface is provided in some versions of Nagios and from third parties like Nagios. QL, or an administrator can choose to work in the command line interface. It also comes with a dashboard that provides an overview of the critical parameters monitored on assets. The installation of nagios requires the steps belowapache and php installed with some other pre requisites packages which will be listed on the articlethe creation of a nagios userthe installation and configuration of nagios corethe configuration of the nagios web interfacethe installation and configuration of the nagios pluginsthe configuration of the firewall. In another article, we have shown how to install Nagios on centos 7. Now lets explain step to follow in order to install nagios on debian 9 with detailed information. Install pre requisites. To have nagios well working, you need apache. If you have not yet these packages installed, you can do it with the command below. In this article, the configuration of the above packages will be not detailed. There are some other pre requisites packages to install as below apt install y build essential autoconf gcc libc. Can`T Hit My Driver. Create Nagios user and group. Youll need a default user and group on nagios for the system to run under. The default user will be nagios and the default group will be nagcmd. You can turn off logins for this user once everything is installed useradd nagios groupadd nagcmd. G nagcmd nagios usermod a G nagcmd www data. Install and build Nagios 4. Download nagios. We will download nagios from the official github site. We will create our working directory at optnagios mkdir optnagios cd optnagios. Now download nagios wget O nagioscore. Nagios. Enterprisesnagioscorearchivenagios 4. Install and configure nagios. Now we will configure, compile and install nagios. You can that it helps you by giving you next configurations steps to follow and description. Now we will install the binary files, CGIs, and HTML files make install. We will install the service or daemon files and also configure them to start on boot make install init. Now install and configure the external command file make install commandmode. Now install the SAMPLEconfiguration files. These are required as Nagios needs some configuration files to allow it to start. Then install the Apache web server configuration files and configure the Apache settings. Configure nagios web interface. The web interface requires login so we will create a nagiosadmin account and record the password that we will assign htpasswd c usrlocalnagiosetchtpasswd. Re type new password Notice that you will use this user and password to log into you nagios web interface. Now restart apache service to make modifications to take effect systemctl restart apache. Download and install nagios plugins 2. To work properly, nagios core needs plugins to monitor various services. You need to make sure that you have the pre requisites packages installed apt install y autoconf gcc libc. Now we will create our working directory into opt directory where we will download the plugins mkdir optnagios cd optnagios wget no check certificate O nagios plugins. Now we will compile and install the plugins. Start nagios service and access to your nagios server. Before starting nagios, we need to check if the nagios configuration file doesnt have any error usrlocalnagiosbinnagios v usrlocalnagiosetcnagios. Total Warnings 0. Total Errors 0. Things look okay No serious problems were detected during the pre flight check. As it looks fine, now lets make nagios services start on startup systemctl enable nagios systemctl reload nagios. Now we can start the nagios service systemctl start nagios. Note that if you dont start the nagios service, you will have an error message at you nagios homepage. Now you can access to your web interface at the address http nagios ipnagios via your web browser. If you server has an interface environment, so you can open your web browser and use the link http localhostnagios. You will be asked to enter the username and the password. Below are the values that I have configuredusername nagiosadminpassword nagios. Then you will have the following homepage. Now you can go to Hosts or Services menu list to the left side in order to see you server and services monitored. You can see that the default monitored services of our server. Configure Firewall. Scarface Frank. If you can not access to your web interface, you should check your firewall configuration. By default on Debian 9, it seems that ufw is not installed but iptables is installed. So, you will certainly need to allow port 8. I INPUT p tcp destination port 8. ACCEPT apt install y iptables persistent. Save the firewall configuration iptables save. But if you prefer ufw as firewall instead of iptables, use the command below ufw allow Apache ufw reload. Now restart all service again to check systemctl restart nagios systemctl restart apache. Conclusion. Now that you monitoring your server and some of its services. Nagios has proven popular among small and large businesses. If you want to be proactive, have peace of mind, and sleep well at night, you should implement a robust system and network monitoring solution for your IT infrastructure.