Calendar Converter Bc To Ad Year
Creating RTF Templates. This chapter describes the concepts of associating XML data to layout elements in an RTF report template. It describes basic and advanced techniques for creating complex and highly conditionalized report formats. This chapter includes the following topics Section 4. Getting StartedSection 4. Associating the XML Data to the Template LayoutSection 4. Adding Markup to the Template LayoutSection 4. Defining GroupsSection 4. Defining Headers and FootersSection 4. Saral Nepali Calendar, Saral Nepali Unicode, Saral Nepali Date Converter, Saral Nepali Rashifal, Nepali Calendar, Nepali Unicode, Nepali Date Converter, Nepali Rashifal. The terms anno Domini AD and before Christ BC are used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The term anno Domini is Medieval Latin and. Babylon-AD_2012.jpg' alt='Calendar Converter Bc To Ad Year' title='Calendar Converter Bc To Ad Year' />Inserting Images and ChartsSection 4. Adding Drawings, Shapes, and Clip ArtSection 4. Supported Formatting Features of Microsoft WordSection 4. Template FeaturesSection 4. Using Conditional FormattingSection 4. Inserting Page Level CalculationsSection 4. Handling DataSection 4. Setting Variables, Parameters, and PropertiesSection 4. Using Advanced Report LayoutsSection 4. Formatting Numbers, Dates, and CurrenciesSection 4. Supporting Calendars and Time ZonesSection 4. Using External FontsSection 4. Controlling the Placement of Instructions Using the Context CommandsSection 4. Using XPath CommandsSection 4. Declaring NamespacesSection 4. Using FO Elements and XSL ElementsSection 4. Guidelines for Designing RTF Templates for Microsoft Power. Point OutputSection 4. Guidelines for Designing RTF Templates for Microsoft Excel 2. OutputSection 4. Rendering HTML Formatted Data in a ReportSection 4. Embedding PCL Commands for Check Printing4. Getting Started. This chapter describes the concepts of associating XML data to layout elements in a report template. It describes basic techniques as well as advanced techniques for creating complex and highly conditionalized report formats. If you are using Microsoft Word to create RTF templates, then see Chapter 5, Creating RTF Templates Using the Template Builder for Word before reading this chapter. The demos and samples provided in the Template Builder installation can help orient you to the process of creating templates in Microsoft Word. It is not required to have Microsoft Word or the Template Builder to create RTF templates and this chapter describes how to add components without using the Template Builder. Many of the layout components described in this chapter can also be inserted in a template using the Template Builder. This section covers the following topics 4. What Are RTF Templates Rich Text Format RTF is a specification used by common word processing applications, such as Microsoft Word. When you save a document, RTF is a file type option. BI Publisher converts documents saved as the RTF file type to XSL FO enabling you to create report layouts using many standard word processor features. During design time, you add data fields and other markup to the template using BI Publishers simplified tags for XSL expressions. These tags associate the XML report data to the report layout and include other processing instructions. In addition to the word processors formatting features, BI Publisher supports other advanced reporting features such as conditional formatting, dynamic data columns, running totals, and charts. If you are familiar with XSL and prefer not to use the simplified tags, BI Publisher also supports the use of pure XSL elements in the template. If you want to include code directly in the template, then you can include any XSL element, many FO elements, and a set of SQL expressions that BI Publisher extends. Prerequisites for Designing Templates. Before you design a template, you must 4. What is XSLT Compatibility BI Publisher uses the XSLT processor provided by Oracle XDK 1. W3. C XSL Transformations 1. The processor also implements the current working drafts of the XSLT and XPath 2. For more information about Oracle XDK, see Oracle XML Developers Kit Programmers Guide. By default, BI Publisher is compatible with XSLT 1. If you want to use XSLT and XPath 2. XSLT 1. 0 compatibility. This configuration is performed at the template level. The template level setting overrides the server setting. XSLT compatibility is set as a Build Option in the Template Builder for Word. See Section 5. 9. Setting UI Options. Key Concepts. When you design the template layout, you must understand how to associate the XML input file to the layout. This chapter presents a sample template layout with its input XML file to illustrate how to make the proper associations to add the markup tags to the template. Designing the Template Layout. Use the word processors formatting features to create the design. For example Select the size, font, and alignment of text. Insert bullets and numbering. Draw borders around paragraphs. Include a watermark. Include images jpg, gif, or pngUse table auto formatting features. Insert a header and footer. For additional information on inserting headers and footers, see Section 4. Defining Headers and Footers. For a detailed list of supported formatting features in Microsoft Word, see Section 4. Supported Formatting Features of Microsoft Word. About Adding BI Publisher Code. When you create an RTF template, you add BI Publisher code to the RTF document. BI Publisher supports the following methods for adding code Basic RTF Method. Use any word processor that supports RTF version 1. BI Publishers simplified syntax. Form Field Method. Using Microsoft Words form field feature allows you to place the syntax in hidden form fields, rather than directly into the design of the template. Note If you use XSL or XSL FO code rather than the simplified syntax, then you must use the form field method. This chapter describes how to create RTF templates using the preceding methods. If you are using Microsoft Word, you can use the BI Publisher Template Builder for Word to facilitate inserting BI Publisher code fields. For detailed information, see Chapter 5, Creating RTF Templates Using the Template Builder for Word. Associating the XML Data to the Template Layout. Figure 4 1 shows a sample layout for a Payables Invoice Register. Note the following The data fields that are defined on the template. For example Supplier, Invoice Number, and Invoice Date. The elements of the template that are repeated when the report is run. For example, all the fields on the template are repeated for each Supplier that is reported. Each row of the invoice table is repeated for each invoice that is reported. Using an XML Input File. Following is the XML file that is used as input to the Payables Invoice Register report template. To simplify the example, the XML output shown has been modified from the actual output from the Payables report. WINDOWS 1. 25. 2. VENDORREPORT. LISTGVENDORNAME. GVENDORNAME. VENDORNAME COMPANY Alt VENDORNAME. LISTGINVOICENUM. GINVOICENUM. SETOFBOOKSID 1. SETOFBOOKSID. GLDATE 1. 0 NOV 0. GLDATE. lt INVTYPE Standardlt INVTYPE. INVOICENUM 0. INVOICENUM. INVOICEDATE 1. NOV 0. INVOICEDATE. INVOICECURRENCYCODE EURlt INVOICECURRENCYCODE. ENTAMT 1. 22lt ENTAMT. ACCTDAMT 1. 22lt ACCTDAMT. VATCODE VAT2. VATCODE. GINVOICENUM. LISTGINVOICENUM. ENTSUMVENDOR 1. ENTSUMVENDOR. Matlab 64 Bit Linux Free Download. ACCTDSUMVENDOR 1. ACCTDSUMVENDOR. GVENDORNAME. LISTGVENDORNAME. ACCTDSUMREP 1. ACCTDSUMREP. ENTSUMREP 1. ENTSUMREP. lt VENDORREPORT. XML files are composed of elements. Each tag set is an element. For example lt INVOICEDATE lt INVOICEDATE is the invoice date element.