Alaska Big Game Records

Alaska Big Game Records Washington' title='Alaska Big Game Records Washington' />The official state flag of Alaska was officially adopted in 1959. The golden stars represent the Big Dipper an asterism in the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear. Official site. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, budget, elections, policies, departments, business, communities, services, legislature, courts, tech training, homeland. Presented below is a chronology of historical events derived from written records. Native Alaskan history prior to the arrival of Russians. Weve compiled the ultimate list of the biggest catfish world records of all time. View the photos, records and tips on how to beat them at Game Fish. No games matched your search Please try again. All Game Forums. Go to 09 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Robin Dale Ford, Pat Fitzgerald and their band Dang make and record music in Interior Alaska. Listen to mp3 files, read reviews of their recordings, find out about. AK-Kohlroser245.jpg?itok=cqZfhXCR' alt='Alaska Big Game Records Canada' title='Alaska Big Game Records Canada' />Sarah Palins Alaska Wikipedia. Sarah Palins Alaska is an American reality television show hosted by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. According to Palin, the shows aim is to bring the wonder and majesty of Alaska to all Americans. Exfat Driver For Windows Xp. The series, which began airing on TLC in November 2. The show was part travelogue and part documentary series, according to a story in The Vancouver Sun,3 six months before the release of the series trailer. In reviewing the first episode, The New York Times said the show allows viewers to observe Ms. Palin observing nature. The show was not renewed for a second season. The show was produced by Mark Burnett Productions for Discovery Communications. Reviews and receptioneditIn reviewing the first episode, The New York Times said Sarah Palins Alaska is a reality show living up to its title, and a nature series for political voyeurs that allows viewers to get to observe Ms. Palin observing nature. The paper commended Palin for her political courage in appearing in the series and for not being afraid to be herself. The Telegraph said the series received mixed reviews, with critics and commentators saying the show seemed intended as a vehicle to help Palin relaunch her political career. Five million viewers tuned in for the premiere episode, a record for TLC. The second episode attracted 3 million viewers,9 a 4. Before the airing of the last episode, Entertainment Weekly reported that the show had maintained an average viewership of 3. Entertainment Weekly said that if the Palin chose to do another season, it would have been interpreted as a sign that she would not be running for president in 2. At the conclusion of the series, long time Alaska resident and author Nick Jans commented that the show made clear Palins actual unfamiliarity with the outdoor Alaskan lifestyle, observing that most of the supposed adventures on which Palin and her family embarked were guided trips aimed at mass market tourists. EpisodeseditReferenceseditWeprin, Alex August 6, 2. Sarah Palins Alaska Gets Premiere Date, TV Newser abcde Moraes, Lisa March 2. Discovery makes it official Sarah Palins Alaska to TLC, The Washington PostStrachan, Alex March 2. Alaska Big Game Records Of MinnesotaAlaska Big Game Records By StateThe fun facts of Sarah Palins new reality show about Alaska, The Vancouver Sun, Canwest News ServiceMontopoli, Brian October 1. Sarah Palins Alaska Trailer Released, CBS News ab. Stanley, Alessandra November 1. Hows That Outdoorsy Stuff Working for Ya. The New York Times. Rice, Lynette. Sarah Palins Alaska No second season. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 7 July 2. Allen, Nick Swaine, Jon November 1. Sarah Palins reality TV show receives mixed reviews, The Daily TelegraphMirkinson, Jack November 1. Sarah Palins Alaska Ratings Break TLC Records. The Huffington Post. Retrieved November 2. Hibberd, James November 2. Sarah Palin Alaska Ratings Plummet. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved December 4, 2. Labreque, Jeff November 2. Sarah Palins Alaska takes a big ratings hit. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 2. Rice, Lynette January 7, 2. Sarah Palins Alaska No second season Dang. Entertainment Weekly. Windows 7 Ultimate X32 Iso. Retrieved January 9, 2. Jans, Nick January 5, 2. What Palins show says about us. USA Today. Retrieved July 1. Seidman, Robert November 1. Sunday Cable Ratings The Walking Dead, Sarah Palin again, still Boardwalk Empire Drops Real Housewives, Sonny With a Chance, Kendra Much More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. Gorman, Bill November 2. Sunday Cable Ratings Sarah Palins Alaska Falls The Walking Deadagain, still Boardwalk Empire Real Housewives, Sonny With a Chance, Kendra Much More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. Gorman, Bill November 3. Sunday Cable Ratings Boardwalk Empire Dips Soul Train Awards, Real Housewives, Dexter, Top Gear More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. Gorman, Bill December 7, 2. Sunday Cable Ratings The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire Finales Rise Sarah Palins Alaska, Dexter, The Hasselhoffs More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. Seidman, Robert December 1. Sunday Cable Ratings Sarah Palins Alaska Up With Kate Dexter Finale, Top Gear, Kendra Steady Real Housewives Much More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. Sundays Cable Ratings Atlanta Takes Top Spot. The Futon Critic. December 2. 6, 2. Retrieved April 1. Seidman, Robert January 1. Sunday Cable Ratings Real Housewives, Hannah Montana, Shake It Up, Sarah Palins Alaska, Californication and Much More. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved April 1. External linksedit. Biggest Catfish World Records of All Time. Unless you live in Antarctica, the only continent they arent known to inhabit, there is a species of catfish nearby. A post about the biggest catfish records has been well liked by readers. With nearly 3,0. 00 known species, catfish order Siluriformes are one of the most diverse groups of vertebrates in the world. The exciting thing for anglers is that many catfish species possess the essential characteristics of a true game fish they grow big and they fight hard. These characteristics, coupled with their prolific distribution, make catfish one of the most popular recreational game fish in the world. Using the International Game Fish Associations IGFA world record database and its extensive network of members around the world, we produced a list of some of the most popular catfish species in the world. Not only will we examine where to find these fish and how to identify them but more importantly, well tell you how to catch some of the worlds biggest catfish. Image Mastering Api Ver. 2 here. Here is a look at the world records to beat and tips for how to do it Blue Catfish. All Tackle Record 6. Kerr Lake, Va., USAAs the largest catfish species found in North America, the blue cat has long been a favorite target of freshwater anglers looking for a bullish fight to test their skill and tackle. Blue catfish are native to the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio River basin systems extending north into South Dakota and south into Mexico and northern Guatemala. The species has also been introduced into the eastern United States, where it has clearly flourished and grown to record size. Blue catfish frequent deep areas of large rivers and lakes, but are also found in areas with swift current, where they forage for passing food items both alive and dead. Preferred baits when targeting the blue catfish include live and dead herring, bluegill, bream, crawfish, blood worms, chicken livers and stink bait. Although most blue catfish are caught with bait, they can also be tricked with bucktail jigs, plastic worms and flies. Anglers targeting blue catfish will usually present their bait on the bottom, as this is where the fish spend most of their time hunting for their next meal. Their large size, strong fights and quality meat all make the blue catfish a top freshwater game fish. Blue Catfish. Channel Catfish. All Tackle Record 2. Santee Cooper Reservoir, S. C., USAHighly valued for both its food and sporting value, the channel catfish is one of the most popular catfish species in North America. The widely distributed channel cat is found in throughout most freshwater lakes, rivers, streams and ponds of the United States, southern Canada and northern Mexico. The channel catfish can be distinguished from other catfish species in North America by its spotted body and deep forked tailmaking it unique from the blue and white catfish that are not spotted. Small fishes, crustaceans crayfish, and insectsalive or deadare some of the channel cats favorite prey items, so consequently these are also some of the preferred baits of anglers targeting channel cats. A variety of artificial and stink baits, fished in the lower water column or on the bottom, are also effective when targeting these fish. When hooked, the channel cat makes strong, determined runs. Flathead Catfish. All Tackle Record 5. Elk City Reservoir, Independence, Kan., USAAs the second largest catfish species in North America, the flathead is an extremely popular freshwater game fish and is naturally distributed throughout the United States and northern Mexico, with introductions occurring throughout the world. Flathead catfish prefer to inhabit debris laden pools, within small to large rivers, where it can ambush, or scavenge for, their next meal. While its general coloration of mottled yellows and browns does not differ greatly from other catfish, the flathead is very distinctive in appearance and is not easily confused with any other species. Its flat head is accentuated by oval shaped eyes and a protruding lower jaw, making it easily recognizable. The flatheads diet consists mainly of smaller fishes and insects, with the preference seemingly on fish. Its large size and great tasting flesh make the flathead very popular with anglers. When targeting flatheads, anglers will look for slow moving pools within a river, where logs and other debris have gathered. Dropping a small fish to the bottom of these pools is one of the most effective methods for targeting flathead. Once hooked, these powerful fish test not only the anglers skill, but also their tackle, as they oftentimes use submerged debris to break the anglers line. While using natural bait is the most popular method of fishing for this species, anglers targeting crappie and bass with artificial baits are often surprised by a large flathead taking their plug, jig or soft plastic lure. Flathead Catfish. Goonch. All Tackle Record 7. Ramganga River, India. The goonch is a mysterious catfish species that inhabits the rocky, swift moving rivers of central Asias Ganges, Mekong and Chao Phraya river basinswith some of the largest specimens taken in India, where they commonly exceed 4. Its large size, enormous mouth, and beady eyes give the goonch an intimidating appearance which has added to its allure among anglers. Its normal diet includes fish, shrimp, frogs and insects but like most catfish species, the goonch is an opportunistic feeder with a very liberal palate. Constantly battling strong river currents of its natural habitat makes the goonch extremely powerful, and attractive to anglers in search of a rod bending challenge. Live or dead bait, fished with enough weight to hold the bottom of swift moving rivers, is one of the more popular methods for targeting goonch. Medium to heavy tackle is recommendedif not requiredgiven the size of the fish and the swift moving, rock lined, rivers where its found. This species is relatively new to the sport fishing world, so the methods of angling for these fish are still being perfected as we learn more about this catfish. Lau Lau PiraibaAll Tackle Record 1. Rio Solimoes, Brazil. The lau lau, or piraiba, is the largest catfish species on the IGFA record books, but there have been even larger specimens reported in the 2. The species has earned a reputation as a man eater throughout its wide distribution in South Americaextending north from the Amazon and Orinoco River basins to as far south as Argentina. Adult lau lau prefer freshwater rivers and pools, while the juveniles are often found in brackish waters around river mouths. These aggressive predators feed primarily on fish, but the stomach contents of harvested lau lau have been said to include parts of monkeys and other mammals. A live or dead fish, fished on the bottom of a river or pool, is the preferred method of angling for the lau laualthough they have become increasingly difficult to find due to the increased commercial pressure theyve received because of their high quality flesh. The mysteries surrounding these enormous fish make them highly sought after by anglers in search of a sport fishing adventure to one of the wildest places in the world. Giant Mekong Catfish. All Tackle Record 1. Gillhams Fishing Resorts, Krabi, Thailand.